Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia Cabin Crew 2024

Garuda Indonesia membuka lowongan Cabin Crew untuk fresh graduate! Temukan informasi tentang kualifikasi persyaratan, cara daftar, dan keuntungannya lainnya di sini.


Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia Cabin Crew 2024

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Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia Cabin Crew 2024



Persyaratan Umum: 

1. Female and Male 

2. Single (never been married) 

3. Excellent health (both physically and mentally) 

4. Never had experience as a cabin crew 

5. Complete dose of Covid-19 vaccine 1 to 3 

6. Good English language skills, verbal and written (other foreign language skills are preferred) 

7. Service-oriented, commited and experienced in direct interaction 

8. Have the ability to empathize in terms of service to customers who come from different countries and cultures. 

Spesific Requirements: 

1. Bachelor’s Degree 

2. At least 21 years of age and not more than 26 years old 

3. Minimum height 160 cm (Female) and 165 cm (Male), with proportional body weight and posture. 

4. Not wearing glasses (contact lenses are allowed with a maximum of minus 5.00, cylindrical 2) 

5. Willing to follow all stages of cabin crew recruitment selection. 

Document Requirements: 

1. Application Letter 

2. Curriculum Vitae 

3. Identification Card (KTP) 

4. Copies of Bachelor’s degree certificate 

5. Vaccine Covid certificate dose 1-3 

6. Professional colored photos: 1 Full-length postcard size, 1 Side View photo dan 1 Close-up 4×6 size 


Cara Daftar Rekrutmen PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk 
Email: ta.recruitment@garuda-indonesia.com 
Subject: FA2024 
Monday – Friday 08.00 – 16.00 WIB 
Registration Period: 13 – 15 March 2024

Deadline Pendaftaran: Segera




Peringatan: Hati-hati dengan segala bentuk penipuan mengatasnamakan Lowongan kerja Garuda Indonesia Cabin Crew 2024. Pelamar kerja tidak dikenakan biaya apapun selama proses pendaftaran berlangsung.